『我和宝贝』是Lisa Lu于2012年在多伦多注册成立的。Lisa在移民后成为安省注册护士,也在多伦多生育了自己的两个孩子。在异国他乡养育了两个孩子后,充分体会到了作为新移民,在缺乏家人和朋友支持下的挣扎。同时也意识到给新手妈妈需求合理的营养、精神、和身体上的支持对新手父母顺利度过这段人生中特殊时期和维持家庭平衡的重要性。

Lisa认为, 新手妈妈在产后得到适当的营养和精神支持,能更好更快的恢复、增加自信并享受新家庭成员带来的欢乐。从2012年起,『我和宝贝』为多伦多及GTA的上千名新手妈妈提供月子餐服务,甚至包括韩国、日本、和马来西亚的客户。


WoHeBaoBei(Me& My Baby) is owned and run by an Ontario registered nurse, Lisa Lu since 2012.  As a new comer, she had worked extremely hard to retain her nursing license and gave birth to two lovely children in Canada. As a nurse and a mother, Lisa had recognized the challenge and difficulty living abroad and raising a child without the whole village’s support. She believes that with the proper nutrition and lactation support, and the relief of burden come with the service, new mothers will be able to recover faster, enjoy the baby better, and with a positive transition into parenthood.  

Since 2012, Lisa and her team had provided postpartum meal service to more than 1,000 new mothers in GTA and received highly positive feedbacks. We also had a small percentage of clients of Korean, Japanese, and Malaysian background. Now our meal plan offering has expanded to healthy pregnancy, lactation support, miscarriage, post-surgery, and nutrition meals for people in need.