
• 『我和宝贝』是安省合法注册公司、商业厨房、2百万商业保险、卫生局检查合格
• 从2012年起为GTA 的新手父母提供专业月子餐服务,10年口碑请看客户评价
• 配备注册护士及专业厨师,全程产前产后跟踪。
• 厨房整洁卫生,定期消毒;入口处展示卫生局检查合格的绿牌。全程口罩、零接触送餐

• 提供台式、广式、素食3套月子保养套餐可选。
• 每日餐单含3正餐3汤3点心1茶,含生化汤及各种秘制药膳,菜式达上百种。
• 月子餐单以现代营养学理念和中国传统月子膳食相结合,根据产后不同阶段滋养进补,调理血气,催乳下奶,排毒瘦身。
• 低油少盐无MSG,合理热卡控制,健康不长胖。

• 专业护士全程产前产后跟踪客户情况,随时调整餐单。
• 提供试餐及参观(疫情期间参观取消)。
• 每月限制订单数以保证服务质量。
• 贴心三语服务(普通话,粤语,英语)


有台式、广式、素食三种餐单选择(付费填订单时可选餐单品种),全福月子餐每天3正餐3加餐3 营养汤/药膳 1茶,一个月30天几乎不重样。基础月子餐每天2正餐2加餐2营养汤/药膳 1茶 先试后定,安心放心。










• 第一步:选择您需要的套餐(如月子餐,小产餐等)

• 第二步: 选择合适的订餐选项

• 第三步:下单后与朋友家人分享
支付费用后,您已成功下单。您可通过Facebook、Email、Red Mall及其他途径与朋友家人分享。




• 第四步:客服联系您核实订单细节






• 月子餐:一般建议顺产妈妈定制月子保养套餐30天;剖腹产、或生产过程中出现其他意外导致身体的不舒适,建议定制45天。也有妈妈曾经定制2-3个月的月子餐。



• 小产餐:怀孕周期低于10周,建议饮食调理至少14天;孕期超过10周,建议按坐月子30天调理。


• 孕餐、母乳餐、养病餐、手术餐、家庭餐:3天起订。









• 月子餐是否合法、安全、卫士
要求服务商家出示政府部门注册的厨房执照;商业保险证书;卫生局检查合格颁发的PASS 绿牌;厨房人员的食品加工安全证书(Food handler certificate)。
• 服务商家是否有良好的口碑;如客户反馈、Google Review
• 考察客服人员是否专业(如产妇护理、营养学、中医学相关经验或证书)。
• 预约试餐来考察餐单设计、口味是否符合您的要求。
• 出现问题时,客服是否专业合理的解决问题。


『我和宝贝』是Lisa Lu于2012年在多伦多注册成立的。Lisa在移民后成为安省注册护士,也在多伦多生育了自己的两个孩子。在异国他乡养育了两个孩子后,充分体会到了作为新移民,在缺乏家人和朋友支持下的挣扎。同时也意识到给新手妈妈需求合理的营养、精神、和身体上的支持对新手父母顺利度过这段人生中特殊时期和维持家庭平衡的重要性。

Lisa认为, 新手妈妈在产后得到适当的营养和精神支持,能更好更快的恢复、增加自信并享受新家庭成员带来的欢乐。从2012年起,『我和宝贝』为多伦多及GTA的上千名新手妈妈提供月子餐服务,甚至包括韩国、日本、和马来西亚的客户。



Our facility and team members:
• Licensed commercial kitchen with 2 million dollars insurance coverage.
• Equipped with professional nurse, chef, and considerate team members.
• Kitchen meets all public health requirements with Green Pass and extra measures (cleaning and disinfection) taken during Covid- 19. Full mask and zero-contact delivery.

Good reputation.  Serve GTA since 2012. Reviews

Our menu and ingredients:
• Three menu styles available: Taiwanese, Cantonese, and Vegan. Each is specially designed to meet your postpartum recovery needs.
• Daily menu consists of 3 main courses, 3 soups, 3 snacks, 1 tea selected from our home cooked dishes with more than 100 of varieties. Healthy and delicious.
• All ingredients are shopped daily, locally, and made fresh.
• High end quality Chinese herbs.
• Low salt, low fat. No MSG.

Customer service:
• Limited number of clients per month to ensure service quality.
• Food sampling available before booking.
• Professional nurse follow up throughout service period.
• Menu is highly customized based on natural birth or C-section; individual recovery needs, allergies, and dietary restrictions.
• Service is provided in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.

Postpartum meals: specifically designed for new mothers after child birth for a period of 30 – 45 days.  A premium menu that is designed with principles of TCM to optimize recovery and weight management. High-quality, fully cooked meals for women fighting through the season of waiting and new mothers who need help to eat healthy and recover faster.

Three menu styles available: Taiwanese, Cantonese, and Vegan. Each is specially designed to meet your postpartum recovery needs. Daily menu consists of 3 main courses, 3 soups, 3 snacks, 1 tea selected from home cooked dishes with more than 100 of varieties. Healthy and delicious. Choose the right menu when you put down an post-confinement meal order.

Miscarriage meals: for women experienced a natural miscarriage or scheduled miscarriage procedure for a period of 14 – 30 days.  The meal plan focus on helping with healing, expel lucia & lingering tissues to maintain reproductive health, and regain physical strength. Daily menu consists of 3 main courses, 2 soups, 2 snacks + Shenghuatang.

Healthy pregnancy meals: for women between 0~10- month pregnancy.  Healthy menus and food choices help with aborting the right nutrition for your baby and you. Eat healthy and manage weight. Also reduce the symptoms come with the pregnancy (fatigue, nauseous, and constipation etc.). Definitely less salt, grease, and no MSG.

Lactation support meals: for mothers needs continuing nutrition and lactating support.  Reduce work and be pampered!

Post-surgery meals: healthy meal plans packed with nutrition and TCM ingredients to help with healing and recovery.

Therapeutic meals: for people who needs the nutrition to heal, recover from a health condition and unable to cook.  Be it a bad flu, a scheduled procedure, or post chemo. 

• Step 1:  Choose a meal plan
Before that, you can browse through our website or contact customer service to get more information on our Meal Plans, Menu Sample, Food photos, and Customer Reviews.

• Step 2: Select meal options
Select “Food Sampling”, “Booking Deposit”, or different meal plan options.

• Step 3: Complete payment & invite others
Once payment completed, you are successfully booking the service. Invite friends, families via email, Facebook, Twitter, newsletters, and more.

• Step 4: Customer service will contact you within 24-48 hours to confirm the order. 

Food Sampling: customer service will contact you to confirm pick up or delivery time.  Food sampling is best to be done during 6-9 months pregnancy.  Once you are satisfied with the food sampling, you can proceed to book the service by paying booking deposit, or pay your selected meal plans.  It’s recommended to book the service before 36 wks of pregnancy as baby is considered mature. See food sampling menu here.

Booking Deposit: customer service will contact you to discuss order details including food allergies, pick up and delivery options, and when to start the meals. Once it’s done, you are all set. Now we will just wait for you good news!

Once baby arrives, contact us through phone, text, email, WeChat to schedule your meal plan. Customer service will also consult you about birthing methods, encountering issues such as swelling on the feet to formulate the appropriate meal plan for you.

Notification received between 6AM- 6PM on the day, meals will be ready the second day; notification receive after 6 PM, meals will be ready the day after the second day.

Future payment schedule: each 15 days of payment (meal cost & delivery fee) will be due on day 3 of meal service.

Prepaid meal plans: Same as above except payment is prepaid with discount.

Please refer to our online pricing.

Currently not available. Please refer to Shipping, Payment, and refund policy for details.

Yes. Please refer to Shipping, Payment, and refund policy for details.

Yes. Each client is unique in body type, birthing date, recovery speed, and individual needs. So each client’s menu is highly customized.

However, menu design follows a general guideline, which is based on new mother’s recovery stages and specific needs for that period.

Yes. Taiwanese,Cantonese,and vegan menus all have separate menus for natural birth and C-section.

• For postpartum meals, a 30 days of meal plan is recommended, as the body takes 30-45 days to recover. For C-section or mothers experienced unexpected side effects from child birth (for example, severe blood loss), a 45 days of meal plan is recommended. Minimum order is 15 days as these are the critical recovering period. However in the past, some of our clients had ordered 2-3 months of postpartum meals.

• For miscarriage meal plans, a 14 days of meal plan is recommended for pregnancy duration shorter than 10 wks; and a 30 days of meal plan for pregnancy duration exceed 10 wks. Minimum order is 7 days.

• For pregnancy, lactation support, post-surgical, and other therapeutic meal plans, minimum order is 3 days.

All meal plan requires a 2 days of notice to start as we shop fresh daily and take our job seriously. For extending the meal plans, a 3 days of notice is required.

We use food grade plastic container that’s microwavable, disposable, and recyclable (made in canada).

Yes. However, due to the quantity of daily meals, you would need to provide two sets of 14 clean containers daily. However during COVID-19, this option is unavailable.

After childbirth, the focus is often on the newborn. However, new moms deserve the same level of care and attention, if not more. “The Sitting Month” tradition in Chinese culture has been putting emphasis on well rest and pamper the new mom with nutritious food as nutrition plays such an important role in new mother’s recovery and lactation support. Chinese traditional postpartum meal plan provides the right nutrition to help with wound healing, compensates for blood lost, reduces fatigue, boosts immunes system, and encourages breastmilk production. It may even help with reducing baby blues and help the new mother to regaining strength, balance, and vitality.

We recommend practicing the following principals while finding the right service.

• Ask the provider to display commercial kitchen license, insurance coverage, Green Pass issued by public health, and food handler certificate.
• Identify if the provider is knowledgeable in new mother’s postpartum recovery, nutrition needs, and newborn’s nutrition needs.
• Check reviews and referrals.
• Book food sampling to exam menu design and food quality.
• Easy communication and timely respond.

WoHeBaoBei(Me& My Baby) is owned and run by an Ontario registered nurse, Lisa Lu since 2012. As a new comer, she had worked extremely hard to retain her nursing license and gave birth to two lovely children in Canada. As a nurse and a mother, Lisa had recognized the challenge and difficulty living abroad and raising a child without the whole village’s support. She believes that with the proper nutrition and lactation support, and the relief of burden come with the service, new mothers will be able to recover faster, enjoy the baby better, and with a positive transition into parenthood.

Since 2012, Lisa and her team had provided postpartum meal service to more than 1,000 new mothers in GTA and received highly positive feedbacks. We also had a small percentage of clients of Korean, Japanese, and Malaysian background. Now our meal plan offering has expanded to healthy pregnancy, lactation support, miscarriage, post-surgery, recovery, and family meals for people in need.

Postpartum meals: specifically designed for new mothers after child birth for a period of 30 – 45 days.  A premium menu that is designed with principles of TCM to optimize recovery and weight management. High-quality, fully cooked meals for women fighting through the season of waiting and new mothers who need help to eat healthy and recover faster.

Three menu styles available: Taiwanese, Cantonese, and Vegan. Each is specially designed to meet your postpartum recovery needs. Daily menu consists of 3 main courses, 3 soups, 3 snacks, 1 tea selected from home cooked dishes with more than 100 of varieties. Healthy and delicious. Choose the right menu when you put down an post-confinement meal order.

Miscarriage meals: for women experienced a natural miscarriage or scheduled miscarriage procedure for a period of 14 – 30 days.  The meal plan focus on helping with healing, expel lucia & lingering tissues to maintain reproductive health, and regain physical strength.

Healthy pregnancy meals: for women between 0~10- month pregnancy.  Healthy menus and food choices help with aborting the right nutrition for your baby and you. Eat healthy and manage weight. Also reduce the symptoms come with the pregnancy (fatigue, nauseous, and constipation etc.). Definitely less salt, grease, and no MSG.

Lactation support meals: for mothers needs continuing nutrition and lactating support.  Reduce work and be pampered!

Post-surgery meals: healthy meal plans packed with nutrition and TCM ingredients to help with healing and recovery.

Nutrition support meals: for people who needs the nutrition support.  Either recovering from health issues or simply just need help with cooking.  

• Step 1:  Choose a meal plan
Before that, you can browse through our website or contact customer service to get more information on our Meal Plans, Menu Sample, Food photos, and Customer Reviews.

• Step 2: Select meal options
Select “Food Sampling”, “Booking Deposit”, or different meal plan options.

• Step 3: Complete payment & invite others
Once payment completed, you are successfully booking the service. Invite friends, families via email, Facebook, Twitter, newsletters, and more.

• Step 4: Customer service will contact you within 24-48 hours to confirm the order. 

Food Sampling: customer service will contact you to confirm pick up or delivery time.  Food sampling is best to be done during 6-9 months pregnancy.  Once you are satisfied with the food sampling, you can proceed to book the service by paying booking deposit, or pay your selected meal plans.  It’s recommended to book the service before 36 wks of pregnancy as baby is considered mature. See food sampling menu here.

Booking Deposit: customer service will contact you to discuss order details including food allergies, pick up and delivery options, and when to start the meals. Once it’s done, you are all set. Now we will just wait for you good news!

Once baby arrives, contact us through phone, text, email, WeChat to schedule your meal plan. Customer service will also consult you about birthing methods, encountering issues such as swelling on the feet to formulate the appropriate meal plan for you.

Notification received between 6AM- 6PM on the day, meals will be ready the second day; notification receive after 6 PM, meals will be ready the day after the second day.

Future payment schedule: each 15 days of payment (meal cost & delivery fee) will be due on day 3 of meal service.

Prepaid meal plans: Same as above except payment is prepaid with discount.

Please refer to our online pricing.

Yes. Please refer to Shipping, Payment, and refund policy for details.

Yes. Please refer to Shipping, Payment, and refund policy for details.

Yes. Each client is unique in body type, birthing date, recovery speed, and individual needs. So each client’s menu is highly customized.

However, menu design follows a general guideline, which is based on new mother’s recovery stages and specific needs for that period.

Yes. Taiwanese,Cantonese,and vegan menus all have separate menus for natural birth and C-section.

• For postpartum meals, a 30 days of meal plan is recommended, as the body takes 30-45 days to recover. For C-section or mothers experienced unexpected side effects from child birth (for example, severe blood loss), a 45 days of meal plan is recommended. Minimum order is 15 days as these are the critical recovering period. However in the past, some of our clients had ordered 2-3 months of postpartum meals.

• For miscarriage meal plans, a 14 days of meal plan is recommended for pregnancy duration shorter than 10 wks; and a 30 days of meal plan for pregnancy duration exceed 10 wks. Minimum order is 7 days.

• For pregnancy, lactation support, post-surgical, and other therapeutic meal plans, minimum order is 3 days.

All meal plan requires a 2 days of notice to start as we shop fresh daily and take our job seriously. For extending the meal plans, a 3 days of notice is required.

We use food grade plastic container that’s microwavable, disposable, and recyclable (made in canada).

Yes. However, due to the quantity of daily meals, you would need to provide two sets of 14 clean containers daily. However during COVID-19, this option is unavailable.

After childbirth, the focus is often on the newborn. However, new moms deserve the same level of care and attention, if not more. “The Sitting Month” tradition in Chinese culture has been putting emphasis on well rest and pamper the new mom with nutritious food as nutrition plays such an important role in new mother’s recovery and lactation support. Chinese traditional postpartum meal plan provides the right nutrition to help with wound healing, compensates for blood lost, reduces fatigue, boosts immunes system, and encourages breastmilk production. It may even help with reducing baby blues and help the new mother to regaining strength, balance, and vitality.

We recommend practicing the following principals while finding the right service.

• Ask the provider to display commercial kitchen license, insurance coverage, Green Pass issued by public health, and food handler certificate.
• Identify if the provider is knowledgeable in new mother’s postpartum recovery, nutrition needs, and newborn’s nutrition needs.
• Check reviews and referrals.
• Book food sampling to exam menu design and food quality.
• Easy communication and timely respond.

Our facility and team members:
• Licensed commercial kitchen with 2 million dollars insurance coverage.
• Equipped with professional nurse, chef, and considerate team members.
• Kitchen meets all public health requirements with Green Pass and extra measures (cleaning and disinfection) taken during Covid- 19.

Our menu and ingredients:
• Three menu styles available: Taiwanese, Cantonese, and Vegan. Each is specially designed to meet your postpartum recovery needs.
• Daily menu consists of 3 main courses, 3 soups, 3 snacks, 1 tea selected from our home cooked dishes with more than 100 of varieties. Healthy and delicious.
• All ingredients are shopped daily, locally, and made fresh.
• High end quality Chinese herbs.
• Low salt, low fat. No MSG.

Customer service:
• Limited number of clients per month to ensure service quality.
• Food sampling available before booking.
• Professional nurse follow up throughout service period.
• Menu is highly customized based on natural birth or C-section; individual recovery needs, allergies, and dietary restrictions.
• Service is provided in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.

WoHeBaoBei(Me& My Baby) is owned and run by an Ontario registered nurse, Lisa Lu since 2012. As a new comer, she had worked extremely hard to retain her nursing license and gave birth to two lovely children in Canada. As a nurse and a mother, Lisa had recognized the challenge and difficulty living abroad and raising a child without the whole village’s support. She believes that with the proper nutrition and lactation support, and the relief of burden come with the service, new mothers will be able to recover faster, enjoy the baby better, and with a positive transition into parenthood.

Since 2012, Lisa and her team had provided postpartum meal service to more than 1,000 new mothers in GTA and received highly positive feedbacks. We also had a small percentage of clients of Korean, Japanese, and Malaysian background. Now our meal plan offering has expanded to healthy pregnancy, lactation support, miscarriage, post-surgery, and therapeutic meals for people in need.

Postpartum meals: specifically designed for new mothers after child birth for a period of 30 – 45 days.  A premium menu that is designed with principles of TCM to optimize recovery and weight management. High-quality, fully cooked meals for women fighting through the season of waiting and new mothers who need help to eat healthy and recover faster.

Three menu styles available: Taiwanese, Cantonese, and Vegan. Each is specially designed to meet your postpartum recovery needs. Daily menu consists of 3 main courses, 3 soups, 3 snacks, 1 tea selected from home cooked dishes with more than 100 of varieties. Healthy and delicious. Choose the right menu when you put down an post-confinement meal order.

Miscarriage meals: for women experienced a natural miscarriage or scheduled miscarriage procedure for a period of 14 – 30 days.  The meal plan focus on helping with healing, expel lucia & lingering tissues to maintain reproductive health, and regain physical strength.

Healthy pregnancy meals: for women between 0~10- month pregnancy.  Healthy menus and food choices help with aborting the right nutrition for your baby and you. Eat healthy and manage weight. Also reduce the symptoms come with the pregnancy (fatigue, nauseous, and constipation etc.). Definitely less salt, grease, and no MSG.

Lactation support meals: for mothers needs continuing nutrition and lactating support.  Reduce work and be pampered!

Post-surgery meals: healthy meal plans packed with nutrition and TCM ingredients to help with healing and recovery.

Therapeutic meals: for people who needs the nutrition to heal, recover from a health condition and unable to cook.  Be it a bad flu, a scheduled procedure, or post chemo. 

• Step 1:  Choose a meal plan
Before that, you can browse through our website or contact customer service to get more information on our Meal Plans, Menu Sample, Food photos, and Customer Reviews.

• Step 2: Select meal options
Select “Food Sampling”, “Booking Deposit”, or different meal plan options.

• Step 3: Complete payment & invite others
Once payment completed, you are successfully booking the service. Invite friends, families via email, Facebook, Twitter, newsletters, and more.

• Step 4: Customer service will contact you within 24-48 hours to confirm the order. 

Food Sampling: customer service will contact you to confirm pick up or delivery time.  Food sampling is best to be done during 6-9 months pregnancy.  Once you are satisfied with the food sampling, you can proceed to book the service by paying booking deposit, or pay your selected meal plans.  It’s recommended to book the service before 36 wks of pregnancy as baby is considered mature. See food sampling menu here.

Booking Deposit: customer service will contact you to discuss order details including food allergies, pick up and delivery options, and when to start the meals. Once it’s done, you are all set. Now we will just wait for you good news!

Once baby arrives, contact us through phone, text, email, WeChat to schedule your meal plan. Customer service will also consult you about birthing methods, encountering issues such as swelling on the feet to formulate the appropriate meal plan for you.

Notification received between 6AM- 6PM on the day, meals will be ready the second day; notification receive after 6 PM, meals will be ready the day after the second day.

Future payment schedule: each 15 days of payment (meal cost & delivery fee) will be due on day 3 of meal service.

Prepaid meal plans: Same as above except payment is prepaid with discount.

Please refer to our online pricing.

Yes. Please refer to Shipping, Payment, and refund policy for details.

Yes. Please refer to Shipping, Payment, and refund policy for details.

Yes. Each client is unique in body type, birthing date, recovery speed, and individual needs. So each client’s menu is highly customized.

However, menu design follows a general guideline, which is based on new mother’s recovery stages and specific needs for that period.

Yes. Taiwanese,Cantonese,and vegan menus all have separate menus for natural birth and C-section.

• For postpartum meals, a 30 days of meal plan is recommended, as the body takes 30-45 days to recover. For C-section or mothers experienced unexpected side effects from child birth (for example, severe blood loss), a 45 days of meal plan is recommended. Minimum order is 15 days as these are the critical recovering period. However in the past, some of our clients had ordered 2-3 months of postpartum meals.

• For miscarriage meal plans, a 14 days of meal plan is recommended for pregnancy duration shorter than 10 wks; and a 30 days of meal plan for pregnancy duration exceed 10 wks. Minimum order is 7 days.

• For pregnancy, lactation support, post-surgical, and other therapeutic meal plans, minimum order is 3 days.

All meal plan requires a 2 days of notice to start as we shop fresh daily and take our job seriously. For extending the meal plans, a 3 days of notice is required.

We use food grade plastic container that’s microwavable, disposable, and recyclable (made in canada).

Yes. However, due to the quantity of daily meals, you would need to provide two sets of 14 clean containers daily. However during COVID-19, this option is unavailable.

After childbirth, the focus is often on the newborn. However, new moms deserve the same level of care and attention, if not more. “The Sitting Month” tradition in Chinese culture has been putting emphasis on well rest and pamper the new mom with nutritious food as nutrition plays such an important role in new mother’s recovery and lactation support. Chinese traditional postpartum meal plan provides the right nutrition to help with wound healing, compensates for blood lost, reduces fatigue, boosts immunes system, and encourages breastmilk production. It may even help with reducing baby blues and help the new mother to regaining strength, balance, and vitality.

We recommend practicing the following principals while finding the right service.

• Ask the provider to display commercial kitchen license, insurance coverage, Green Pass issued by public health, and food handler certificate.
• Identify if the provider is knowledgeable in new mother’s postpartum recovery, nutrition needs, and newborn’s nutrition needs.
• Check reviews and referrals.
• Book food sampling to exam menu design and food quality.
• Easy communication and timely respond.

Our facility and team members:
• Licensed commercial kitchen with 2 million dollars insurance coverage.
• Equipped with professional nurse, chef, and considerate team members.
• Kitchen meets all public health requirements with Green Pass and extra measures (cleaning and disinfection) taken during Covid- 19.

Our menu and ingredients:
• Three menu styles available: Taiwanese, Cantonese, and Vegan. Each is specially designed to meet your postpartum recovery needs.
• Daily menu consists of 3 main courses, 3 soups, 3 snacks, 1 tea selected from our home cooked dishes with more than 100 of varieties. Healthy and delicious.
• All ingredients are shopped daily, locally, and made fresh.
• High end quality Chinese herbs.
• Low salt, low fat. No MSG.

Customer service:
• Limited number of clients per month to ensure service quality.
• Food sampling available before booking.
• Professional nurse follow up throughout service period.
• Menu is highly customized based on natural birth or C-section; individual recovery needs, allergies, and dietary restrictions.
• Service is provided in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.

WoHeBaoBei(Me& My Baby) is owned and run by an Ontario registered nurse, Lisa Lu since 2012. As a new comer, she had worked extremely hard to retain her nursing license and gave birth to two lovely children in Canada. As a nurse and a mother, Lisa had recognized the challenge and difficulty living abroad and raising a child without the whole village’s support. She believes that with the proper nutrition and lactation support, and the relief of burden come with the service, new mothers will be able to recover faster, enjoy the baby better, and with a positive transition into parenthood.

Since 2012, Lisa and her team had provided postpartum meal service to more than 1,000 new mothers in GTA and received highly positive feedbacks. We also had a small percentage of clients of Korean, Japanese, and Malaysian background. Now our meal plan offering has expanded to healthy pregnancy, lactation support, miscarriage, post-surgery, and therapeutic meals for people in need.