餐单样本 Sample Menu
产后第一周 Week 1 | 产后第二周 Week 2 | 产后第三周 Week 3 | 产后第四周 Week 4 |
早餐 Breakfast | 红枣黑糯补血粥 Purple rice porridge with red date | 早餐 Breakfast | 干贝枸杞鸡丝面 Noodle chicken soup with dry scallop | 早餐 Breakfast | 海参干贝小米粥 Millet porridge with sea cucumber & dry scallop | 早餐 Breakfast | 营养猪肉水饺 Pork and cabbage dumpling |
早点 Morning Snack | 清蒸鸡蛋羹 Steam egg pudding | 早点 Morning Snack | 核桃芝麻糊 Walnut sesame seed pudding | 早点 Morning Snack | 金提子核桃杯糕 Raision and walnut muffin | 早点 Morning Snack | 黑糖姜汁汤圆 Sesame rice ball in ginger soup |
生化汤1/2 Shenghua Tang (Herbal soup to expel lucia) | 生化汤1/2 Shenghua Tang (Herbal soup to expel lucia) | ||||||
午餐 Lunch | 鲜肉脆皮馄饨 Wonton with chicken soup | 午餐 Lunch | 红枣紫米饭 Purple rice with red date | 午餐 Lunch | 养生五谷饭 Five-grain rice | 午餐 Lunch | 养生二米饭 Millet with white rice |
麻油猪肝 Pork liver slice in sesame oil soup | 木耳炒肉丝 Stir fried pork stripe with black argaric | 粟米斑块 Fish fillet with corn sauce | 茄汁大虾 Sweet & sour shrimp |
鸡蛋炒菠菜 Spinach top with fried egg | 蘑菇扒芥兰 Chinese kale top with mushroom | 藕片炒豌豆 Stir fried snow pea & lotus slice | 海米油菜 Stir fried Yu choy |
参芪补气龙骨汤 Bone soup with dangshen & astragalus | 安神莲藕排骨汤 Lotus foot and pork rib soup | 海参莲子乌鸡汤 Silky chicken soup with sea cucumber & lotus seed | 参芪归枣羊肉汤 Stew lamb soup with dangshen & astragalus |
晚餐 Dinner | 枸杞薏仁饭 Rice with Goji & pearl barley | 晚餐 Dinner | 红枣紫米饭 Purple rice with red date | 晚餐 Dinner | 养生五谷饭 Five-grain rice | 晚餐 Dinner | 养生二米饭 Millet with white rice |
雪豆斑块 Basa fillet with snowpeas | 葱爆蘑菇牛肉 Stir fried beef with mushroom | 当归药膳排骨 Strew pork rib with red date & angelica | 香橙猪扒 Pork chop in orange sauce |
干贝玉米豆腐羹 Sweet corn and dry scallop tofu soup | 豉汁蒸茄子 Egg plant in garlic sauce | 莴笋炒蛋 Stir fried celtuce with egg | 香菇西兰花豆泡 Tofu with mushroom & squash slice |
参芪补气龙骨汤 Bone soup with dangshen & astragalus | 安神莲藕排骨汤 Lotus foot and pork rib soup | 海参莲子乌鸡汤 Silky chicken soup with sea cucumber & lotus seed | 参芪归枣羊肉汤 Stew lamb soup with dangshen & astragalus |
晚点 Evening snack | 红枣桂圆补血汤 Red date and longan soup | 晚点 Evening snack | 椰丝紫米红豆汤 Red bean paste pudding | 晚点 Evening snack | 养颜补血四红汤 Red date, red bean, peanut,goji soup | 晚点 Evening snack | 酒酿枸杞桂花汤 Glutinous rice wine with osmanthus fragrans |
生化汤 Herbal Tea | 生化汤1/2 Shenghua Tang (Herbal soup to expel lucia) | 生化汤1/2 Shenghua Tang (Herbal soup to expel lucia) |
对于自然流产的女性,中医认为 “小产”可能是因为胞脉阻滞或失养,气血运行不畅所致。流产的原因可能有血虚(孕妇身体气血不足,或因疲劳多虑、饮食不协调,孕前失血而体虚),气郁(孕妇因心情抑郁而导致肝血失调,肝血偏虚就会导致孕妇心情更加抑郁。如果心情经常反复无常,就导致血行不畅,造成小产),虚寒(孕妇因体质虚寒,造成体内阴寒日重,气血运行不畅,血脉受阻导致小腹冷痛),外伤(跌倒或受伤)。自然流产不但对母体损伤很大,精神上的压力更是不可形容。所以对流产的女性多加关怀,呵护,更是完全必要的。身体上的调理对将来准备再次受孕非常关键。而补养的程度、持续的时间,应视流产者的体质、失血多少,全面衡量而定。
充足休息:最好能充足休息1周。不然容易出血、腰酸腹痛很久、精神不好。多臥床,不要站立太久,更不要一直走動(流產周数较大的应該休息2周)。尽量吃好、睡好、不碰冷水、禁吹冷风。要特别注意外阴部的清洁卫生,卫生纸要至少4小时更换1次,避免细菌感染,导致子宫内膜炎、输卵管炎、盆腔炎、不孕不育等疾病发生。一个月内避免盆浴、同房。 及时采取适当的避孕措施,避免在时机不成熟的情况下再次怀孕。另外,小产后的女性情绪低落、沮丧,更需要亲人、朋友的悉心关爱和照顾。
- 安省护士量身定制,品种丰富,健康营养又美味
- 营养餐和传统下奶食材帮助补充营养、增强体质、维持母乳产量
- 秘制药膳帮助预防腰背酸痛、产后脱发,美容养颜又瘦身
- 所有食材当地采购,当天制作,保证新鲜
Chinese traditional miscarriage meals can help with blood lost, wound healing, and maintain reproductive system health. It will also help with boost immune system, calm the body, and regain physical strength. The well-planed Chinese herbal cuisine will also balance the Qi and Blood of the body to regain vitality.
Not being able to maintain a healthy pregnancy is often devastating to the woman and the family. Besides from dealing with emotional stress, the woman’s body is still going through the post-pregnancy changes. To achieve an optimal recovery from the loss, nutritional support, emotional support, and self-care are the areas that we can focus on.
Eating well and eating healthy is an important aspect of self-care and consuming delicious homemade food has a “healing power” to the body and the soul. Fill your body with the right nutrition. With a well-prepared body and mind, you can look forward to a new start.
- Carefully designed menu based on your unique needs after miscarriage.
- A combination of healthy meal plan and Chinese traditional food &herbs.
- Chinese herbal soup to expel lucia and relive engorgement.
- No MSG. Low salt, low fat.
- Highly customized (additional fees may apply).
Week 1: adequate nutrition and iron rich food to encourage red blood cell reproduction and recovery; Chinese herbal soup to expel lucia and help with uterus contraction; variety of herbal soup to calm the nerve, clean the system, and boost immune system.
Week 2:contitue nutrition support for body recovery; special herbal dish & soup to strengthen and consolidate body strength and vitality. Harmonizing body Qi and blood to promote beauty and body function.