餐单样本 Sample Menu
健康孕餐A套餐 Healthy pregnancy meal plan A | 健康孕餐A套餐 Healthy pregnancy meal plan A | 健康孕餐B套餐 Healthy pregnancy meal plan B | 健康孕餐B套餐 Healthy pregnancy meal plan B |
紫薯五谷饭 Five-grain rice & purple yam | 燕麦杂粮饭 Oat groats rice | 红枣紫米饭 Purple rice with red date | 营养二米饭 Millet and white rice |
冬菇蒸鸡 Steam chicken with Shiitake mushroom | 滑蛋虾仁 Stir fried shrimp with scrambled egg | 核桃芝麻肉丝粥 Walnut sesame seed porridge | 营养鸡肉水饺 Chicken dumpling |
葱爆蘑菇牛肉 Stir fried beef with onion & mushroom | 豉汁蒸排骨 Steam pork rib in garlic and black bean sauce | 西芹炒斑球 Stir-fried Basa fillet with celery | 椒盐牛仔骨 Salt & pepper beef short rib |
粟米扒菠菜 Spinach top with sweet corn sauce | 上汤娃娃菜 Stir-fried Chinese cabbage | 四季豆炒鸡片 Stir-fried chicken slice & green bean | 菠萝咕噜肉 Sweet & sour Pork with pineapple |
双色花椰 Stir-fried broccoli and cauliflower | 小炒藕片 Stir fried lotus root, carrot, celery, and black fugus | 耗油上海青 Baby bok choy in oyster sauce | 清炒芥兰 Stir fried Gailan |
醋溜土豆丝 Sour shredded potatoes | 鱼香茄子 Egg plant in fish and garlic sauce |
核桃栗子排骨汤 Pork rib soup with walnut and chestnut | 红枣粟米炖鸡汤 Chicken soup with red date & sweet corn |
- 餐单由注册护士设计,专业厨师制作。营养均衡,花样丰富,富含不饱和脂肪酸及微量元素,帮助您的胎宝宝健康成长
- 平衡膳食不长胖,低油少盐无添加
- 增进食欲、减轻孕吐、疲乏、便秘等症状
- 订餐方式灵活:A、B套餐供您选择。A餐:1杂粮饭/2肉菜/2素菜 ;B餐:1杂粮饭/ 1 饺子(或馄饨、粥、面)/2肉菜/2素菜/2营养汤。每周可制订孕餐3、7、14、30天不等。
- 10公里内免费送餐。
During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes significant physical changes, not to mention the emotional roller coaster comes with it. As we go through different stages of pregnancy, taking in the appropriate number of calories and the proper nutrients is vital to a healthy pregnancy. Selective food choices and healthier cooking methods not only ensure your body has what the baby needs to grow, but also maintain mother’s optimal health, energy level, and healthy weight gain.
Our specialties:
- Meals prepared by professional chef. Shop local. Fresh and delicious.
- Well-planed menu packed with variety of nutrients to help baby grow.
- Healthier cooking methods to avoid unnecessary weight gain.
- Selective food choices to prevent fatigue, bloating, gas reflex etc.
- Low salt, no MSG.
- Highly customizable.
- No cooking required. Pick up and enjoy!
Two meal plans available.
Meal plan A food sampling contains 1 multigrain rice, 2 meat dishes, and 2 vegetables.
Meal plan B food sampling contains 1 multigrain rice, 1 dumpling (or wonton, noodle or porridge), 2 meat dishes, 2 vegetables, and 2 soups.
Free delivery for the first 10 KM.