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月子餐试餐 Postpartum Meal Sampling



月子餐A套餐 $128 ——含2正餐2加餐2汤1茶(不含早餐早点)。

月子餐B套餐$148 ——含3正餐3加餐3汤1茶。


Food sampling provides you an opportunity to understand the menu design, taste, and quantity.  Sampling menu won’t contain any Chinese herbs that might affect the fetus.  When you place a sampling order, you can choose to sample Cantonese, Taiwanese, or Vegetarian menu.  Differences between menus? 

Meal plan A $128 food sampling  includes lunch, dinner, 2 soups, 2 snaps, and 1 tea (excluding breakfast & morning snack).

$148 food sampling includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, 3 soups, 3 snaps, and 1 tea.

All sampling menu doesn’t contains herbs and shenghuatang.

Free delivery for the first 10 KM. Delivery policy


餐单样本 Sample Menu






  • 产后第一阶段(第1周):秘制药膳(生化汤等)排毒、排恶露、促进子宫收缩、排水肿。同时提供高蛋白高铁高纤维平衡饮食,补血、补营养、促进伤口愈合、预防便秘。另根据母亲的泌乳情况提供通草、王不留行等逐步催奶、通乳腺、预防乳腺炎。观察排水后体重下降速度。
  • 产后第二阶段(第2周):秘制药膳壮腰补肾、预防腰酸背痛。继续支持子宫和伤口恢复,补充营养;调节母乳过少/过多问题。产后头两周是体重下降速度最明显时期。继续观察并维持健康的减重速度。
  • 产后第三第四阶段(第3、4周):秘制药膳滋养进补,调理血气,平衡身体气血以达到滋养皮肤、五脏六腑的功效,让母亲面色红润肤白有光泽。除此之外,继续支持母乳平衡、总结瘦身效果。








根据台湾庄淑旗博士的月子餐理念定制,分4周3阶段调理产妇身体。每个阶段餐点功能不同,每周餐单根据调理要点更换不同菜式,顺产和剖腹产的餐单分别配送。注重排毒养身、恢复体形;改善体质、美化皮肤。产后两周内避免大吃大喝,第三第四周开始进补。 因注重排毒瘦身,每个阶段的菜式要求严格,花样品种与广式餐单相比,稍微单调,内脏菜式比重大。





素食月子餐分4周3阶段来调理产妇身体。特点是以蛋、奶、豆腐制品、植物根茎类作为蛋白质的主要来源。同样使用药膳汤来调理身体。第一周注重补血排毒、预防便秘,催乳下奶;第二周注意补腰肾同时维持母乳产量,第三第四周开始滋养进补。 虽食材选择受限制,但素食月子餐仍然能完全满足新妈妈产后的调理需求。

Toronto Postpartum meal service – nurturing new moms!

We offer healthy, delicious postpartum meals that incorporates the benefits of Chinese medicinal herbs known for their powerful health and wellness benefits.
Freshly prepared and cooked in a licensed kitchen. Low salt, low fat, no MSG.

Rest, recharge, and bond with your baby. Let us take care of the nourishing food during the first month. Enjoy being a new mom!

Nutrition is so important for new moms and babies especially during the first month. The right nutrition helps.

After childbirth, the focus is often on the newborn. However, new moms deserve the same level of care and attention, if not more. During the first month, new mothers struggle with postpartum recovery, nurture the baby, and might deal with significant physical strain, sleep deprivation, and life changes.

Nutrition plays such an important role in new mother’s recovery and lactation support. The right nutrition helps with wound healing, compensates for blood lost, reduces fatigue, boosts immunes system, and encourages breastmilk production. It may even help with reducing baby blues.

“The Sitting Month” tradition in Chinese culture puts emphasis on the new mom’s nutritional needs along with other areas of care. The specially designed postpartum meals are aimed at speeding up healing, encouraging nutrient filled breastmilk production, and regaining strength, balance, and vitality.

  • Healthy, nutritious meals combined with Chinese traditional food and herbs.
  • Homemade. Always prepared fresh. Low salt, low fat, no MSG
  • Three menus choices available. Approved by TCM practitioners.
  • High end and local ingredients.
  • Highly customized (additional fees may apply).
  • Food sampling available before booking.

Our meal plans are a combination of modern nutritional choices and Chinese traditional postpartum diet. In addition to balanced nutrition and proper hydration, we put emphasises on different postpartum stages:

  • Stage 1/ week 1: offer iron rich food to encourage red blood cell reproduction to make up for blood loss; lean protein to encourage wound healing; green leafy vegetables and abundant fluid to prevent constipation; variety of Chinese herbal soup to help with uterus contraction & expel Lucia, boost immune system, reduce swelling, and encourage breastmilk production.
  • Stage 2/ week 2: continue to support wound healing and breastmilk production; special herbal dish & soup to strengthen the muscle and prevent neck/back pain; consolidate the body strength and regain vitality.
  • Stage 3/ week 3&4: continues nutrition support to nourish the organs; maintain optimal breastmilk production; harmonizing body Qi and blood to promote body function and preserve beauty. Achieve optimal postpartum recovery.
  • There are 3 menus available: Cantonese, Taiwanese, and vegan menus.
  • Daily menu is consisted of 3 meals, 3 soups, 2 snacks, and 1 tea.
  • The menu is different daily based on recovery stages and client’s individual needs.
  • Menu for natural birth and C-section are designed differently.

What’s special about Cantonese menu?

Cantonese menu is designed based on Guangdong district‘s postpartum traditions. Menu is consisted of traditional Chinses southern food, soup, and deserts/snacks with more than 100 of variety. Cantonese menu is more focus on providing adequate nutrition to support wound healing and new mother’s recovery; emphasizes on breastmilk production; with a wide range of selection of elegant and delicious food.

Signature dishes from Cantonese menu: fish soup with papaya; variety of chicken soup, bone soup, lamb soup; pork foot soup with peanuts; pork foot soup with ginger, vinegar, and egg (not included in our menu); chicken cook with ginger, cooking wine, lily flower, and black fungus. Stir fried beef, pork, chicken, lamb; steamed fish. Pork kidney or ox tail with Chinese herbs to prevent back pain.

What’s special about Taiwanese menu?

Taiwanese menu is designed based on a famous Chinese medicine Dr. Zhuang’s theory. Besides from adequate nutrition and hydration, menu is more emphasized on helping new moms get rid of water retention, losing weight, and get back in shape faster. Most dishes are cooked with ginger, black sesame seed oil, and cooking wine. More organ meat dishes during stage 1 & 2; less of a variety compare to Cantonese menu; less focus on breastmilk production. However, significant weight lost may be achieved.

Signature dishes from Taiwanese menu: pork liver soup or pork kidney soup with sesame seed oil, ginger, and cooking wine; stir fried sticky rice with ginger, pork, carrot, and dry mushroom; red bean paste soup; fish soup; variety of chicken soup, bone soup, pork foot soup, and lamb soup; multi-grain rice such as barely rice etc.

What’s special about vegan menu?

Vegan menu is suitable for new mothers that has a dietary restriction due to religious believes or life choices. The nutrition focuses on postpartum different stages are similar to the above two menus but protein source is coming from egg, dairy, and plant based (tofu, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, certain kind of fruit and vegetables). Due to the dietary restriction, there will be less of a variety in dishes & soup.

Additional information

试餐选项 Food Sampling Options

$88, $148, $128