
母乳喂养要准备的东西:(Planning to breast-feed?)
- 喂奶枕1个(Nursing pillow)
- 喂奶椅或摇椅 1张,或用有扶手的椅子代替(Rocker or glider)。
- 拍嗝用的毛巾4-6 张(Burp clothes : 4-6 to start)
- 围嘴4-6张(Bibs: 4-6 to start)
- 哺乳文胸2-3个:应在怀孕9个月时购买。这时乳房大小与产后的尺寸最相近,选择棉制的、柔软舒适无钢圈的浅色文胸(Nursing bras: 2-3. Get it around 9 months pregnant, prefer light colour) 。
- 乳垫1合: 选择一次性或可重复清洗使用的( Breast pads: disposable or washable) 。
- 可选物品( Optional):有更好,没有也可以
- 手动或电动泵奶器(Breast pump: manual or electronic)
- 公共场所喂奶用的Nursing cover-up(for breastfeeding in
打算喂配方奶,或担心刚开始奶不够宝宝吃的妈妈也可准备以下物品。但在医院时,病房都有水奶和奶瓶。(Planning on bottle-feeding? )
- 配方奶:水奶1箱(6瓶)或奶粉1罐(Formula: ready-to-use or powder)
- 奶瓶和奶嘴各2付(Bottles: newborn bottles(4-5ounce) and nipples, 2 each)
- 可选物品(Optional):奶瓶刷和晾干架(bottle brush and bottle-drying
- N号尿布1包(约40张)(Newborn diapers: 40-count package)
- 1号尿布1-2大箱(约80张)(Size 1 diapers: 1-2 big box)
- 护臀膏1小盒、1大盒: 小的放在尿布袋,外出用;大的放家里用(Petroleum jelly/Vaseline : a small size for diaper bag, big size for at home use)
- 湿纸巾1盒,最好选敏感皮肤型或用柔软的布块代替(Baby wipes:recommended pampers thick sensitive or cotton washcloth,or J-cloth instead)
- 尿布桶1个及塑料袋:可用普通带盖的垃圾筒代替(Diaper disposal pail or garbage bin)
- 尿布袋1个(Diaper bag):外出用
- 换尿布台1个:选择至少有一个抽屉、两个架子的( Changing table :prefer at least a build-in draw and two shelves)
- 隔尿垫2张(Changing table toppers/pads)
- 可选物品(Optional): 不同尺寸的盒子来分放各类物品(Different size baskets to organize the changing table)
打算用布尿布?(Cloth diapers)
- Snap-on waterproof outer pants
- Diaper pins
- Diaper system covers and inserts
- 婴儿床1个(Crib)
- 床垫1张(Crib mattress)
- 床单和防水垫各2张(Crib bedding: 2 fitted sheets & 2 waterproof mattress pads or liners)
- 睡袋1个:根据孩子的大小和季节选择合适的睡袋(Sleep sack or sleeping bag: size and thickness according to weather and the size of the baby)。
- Optional:
床玲1个(Mobile for the crib)
II. 毯子薄、厚各1张( Blankets: thin &medium 1 each)
III. 床围1个(Bumper: can be used around a year old)
IV. 游戏床1个(Playpen or play yard)
夏天或冬天室内穿的衣物(Summer and winter indoor)
- 前面开扣的连裤短袖睡衣6件:夏天专用(Side-snap T-shirts)
- 前面开扣或带拉链的连脚睡衣6件(One-piece sleepers with attached feet)
- 薄的棉帽2个(Baby hat: small, thin, cotton)
- 防抓手套2付(Non-scratching mittens)
- 日常穿着的衣/裤2-3套:选择舒适柔软的纯棉制品,最好前面开扣的(Daytime outfits: soft, comfortable, prefer open from the front)
- 薄外套2件(Light jacket )
- 袜子3-6双( socks )
- 厚帽子1个(Warm knit hat)
- 冬天厚外套1件:最好选择连体带拉链、连手套、脚套的( Winter outdoor wear:One-piece snowsuit with attached mittens or fold-over cuffs)
- 婴儿塑料澡盆1个:最好选择有内设靠背、膝盖位置有突起的,宝宝容易向下滑(Plastic infant bathtub)
- 薄的大毛巾2张(Receiving blanket)
- 厚的大毛巾1张:可用成人的大浴巾代替(Bath towel)
- 洗脸用的小毛巾5-10张(Washcloths)
- 沐浴香波1瓶:选择无泪配方(Head to toe baby shampoo)
- 婴儿润肤露1瓶(Body lotion)
- 可选物品(Optional): 宝宝按摩油或用橄榄油代替(massage oil or olive oil)
- 婴儿用指甲钳1把(Baby-sized nail clippers)
- 婴儿用指甲锉1个(Baby nail file)
- 婴儿梳1把 (soft brush or comb)
- 婴儿汽车安全座椅1个:面朝后的(Infant rear-facing car seat )
- 婴儿手推车1个(Stroller)
- 耳部、额温或腋下电子体温计1个:测量时间最好少于10秒(Digital thermometer:used by ear, forehead, or underarms, 10 seconds)
以下物品待特殊情况发生时再买(nice to have items)
I. 尿疹膏1合(Diaper rush ointment )
II. 乳头霜1支(Lanolin:Medela tender care for sore nipple)
以下物品为非必需品(nice to have items)
- 婴儿椅或摇篮(An infant seat or a swing)
- 可悬挂在婴儿汽车安全座椅或婴儿推车上的小玩具:选择色彩鲜艳的、有不同触感的玩具(A small toy hangs on to stroller or car seat)
- 色彩鲜艳、有不同质感或能发出声音的柔软小玩具(Small toys with bright color/different texture and make sounds)
- 宝宝的第一本书:选择圆边、厚页的书(Baby’s first book with thick pages and rounded edges)
- 轻柔放松的音乐(Soft/calm/relaxing music for baby and mom)
- 安慰奶嘴:宝宝至少6周大后才能用(a pacifier:can be used after 6 weeks)
- 柔和、不伤皮肤的、无香味的洗涤液:洗宝宝衣服专用(Mild unscented laundry detergent :unscented)
- 可选物品(optional)
室内温度计(room thermometer):根据室温选择宝宝穿的衣物
II. 夜光闹钟:夜里起床喂奶用(A clock with alarm and night light)
III. 可调明暗度的床头灯:夜里起床喂奶、换尿布用(A night light)